Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 6, 2012

New flour sizes

A few of you who have dropped by the markets booths lately will have noticed that our bag sizes have changed for the flour products. This wasn't exactly planned, but our bag supplier has been unreliable with the 1.6kg sized bags and we were just unable to get them last week. This prompted us to downsize the flour to 1kg size bags. 

Actually, it is probably turning out for the better for right now. These mid-size bags of flour save us some money in label costs because the smaller labels come 10 to a sheet. For the same price, we get 400 extra labels. Another benefit has been that our customers have a little easier time carrying around flour with them at market. During the summer months when baking is less intensive, the smaller sizes have proven to be quite popular. 

For our hard-core bakers, don't despair. We are currently looking for larger bags. We hope to offer flour in both 1kg size and something around 3 or 4 kg sizes. This fall, when baking season is in high gear, we'll have you covered all ways possible!

This Saturday we will, once again, be at City Market Downtown, Old Strathcona Market (my favorite) and St. Albert Farmers Market

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