Chủ Nhật, 16 tháng 2, 2014

Roaming around Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City in Pictures

Cerita tentang perjalanan Makan Angin di Vietnam masih belum tuntas. Jika posting-an saya sebelumnya membahas seputar stereotipe dan budaya warga Hanoi dalam bentuk tulisan, maka kali ini Makan Angin menceritakannya lewat kompilasi foto-foto hasil "jepretan"-nya. Tidak hanya sekedar pemandangan indah yang bisa dipotret. Lebih dari itu, ada kebudayaan, adat, kebiasaan, aktivitas warganya, dan bahkan saya pun tidak tahan untuk "menangkap" "produk-produk unggulan" lokalnya yang terkenal akan kecantikan dan kemandiriannya.

Story about Makan Angin's trip in Vietnam isn't completed yet. The previous posts told about stereotypes and traditions of Hanoi citizen in writing article. So, this time Makan Angin tell the rest through his captured picture compilation. Not just about scenery that can be captured. There are also cultures, traditions or habits, local activities. And I couldn't resist to capture the local bellas, who are known for their beauty and self-dependence with my lense.

1. Hanoi

Masih ada 1 hari lagi di kota ini, kami memutuskan untuk berkeliling sekitar kota. Tidak banyak yang dapat kami lakukan selain mengunjungi beberapa tempat-tempat wisata terkenalnya hingga di penghujung hari.

There's still 1 day remaining in Hanoi, we decided to travel around city. Not so many things that we can do besides visit some famous places until we call it a day.

Front gate of Temple of Literature
I thought they were preparing for graduation photos

Inside Temple of Literature
Of course, local girl!
Sebenarnya ke Temple of Literature ini sama saja dengan berkunjung ke kelenteng-kelenteng pada umumnya. Bedanya cuma di kompleknya saja yang lebih luas. Ya, hanya ada beberapa bangunan arsitektur khas China di dalam kompleks taman yang ditata dengan rapi. Urungkan niat untuk beli oleh-oleh khas Vietnam di tokonya. Karena kalian bisa membeli barang yang sama di Night Market atau di toko lainnya dengan harga yang lebih murah.

Actually, visiting this Temple of Literature is just the same as visit to a usual temple. There are only few Chinese-looked-like buildings inside this vast garden. I suggest not to buy any souvenirs at the shop here. You can get similar stuffs at any other shops or at Night Market in cheaper price. 

Di perjalanan tanpa sengaja kami menemukan bangunan besar dari pinggir jalan. Saya pun penasaran akan isinya begitu melihat ada salah satu gerbangnya yang masih terbuka. Memang tidak terlalu istimewa, makanya saya cuma mengambil sedikit gambar saja di satu sudut.

Accidentally, we discovered an enormous structure just beside the road during our trip around. I was getting curious 'what is inside', when I saw one of the gate is still opened. It isn't so special at all in fact, so that's why I just took a few pictures there.

At the outside corner of Hang Day Stadium
Inside the Hang Day stadium
Kami tiba di satu daerah yang saya sebut sebagai areanya museum. Di sini terdapat 3 wisata utama yang biasanya dikunjungi para turis: Ho Chi Minh Museum, One Pillar Pagoda, Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

We arrived at one area that I called as museum area. There are 3 major spots here which are usually visited by tourists: Ho Chi Minh Museum, One Pillar Pagoda, and Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum.

Ho Chi Minh Museum front entrance
 Yoko and John in peace campaign
(I want to read so badly, but it's in Italian)

Uncle Ho statue waving his hand to the tourists who comes to visit
Catch a glimpse of the history
 Peculiar Pyramid

Benda aneh ini menyita perhatian saya karena bentuknya yang unik. Saya sendiri juga tidak tahu apa artinya. Rasa penasaran dan bingung membuat saya bertanya-tanya dalam benak, "Apakah benda ini ada relasinya dengan All-Seeing Eye Pyramid?

This unknown object seized my attention for its unique shape. I didn't even know what its meaning. I just wondered about its resemblance with the All-Seeing Eye Pyramid, which brought me to the confusion. 

Museum ini dibangun dan didedikasikan untuk almarhum tokoh revolusioner Vietnam, Paman Ho. Semua yang ada di sini menceritakan tentang riwayat hidup dan perjuangannya dalam menyatukan kembali rakyat Vietnam. Saya heran ketika melihat segerombolan orang yang dapat masuk seenaknya tanpa membayar tiket masuk. Si penjaga tiket memberi tahu kami, "Turis harus bayar. Kalau orang lokal gratis". Mau tidak mau kami keluar biaya lagi sebesar 15.000 VND.

This museum was built and dedicated for the late Vietnam's revolutionary figure, Uncle Ho. It tells about his biography and his struggle to reunite Vietnam people. I was surprised with some people who just went in straightly without paying admission. And it became clear when the counter staff told us, "For tourist you must pay. For local is free". So, it costs us for 15.000 VND.

Obviously, this is One Pillar Pagoda

Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum
I think we can play football in this vast square, Ba Dinh Square
Sayang sekali, kami tidak dapat masuk ke dalam mausoleum. Kami mendapat kabar bahwa tempat itu sedang dilaksanakan pembersihan. Nggak heran jika para petugas terlihat menjaga area di seluruh arah masuk.

Sebenarnya masih ada 1 tempat lagi di area ini yang belum kami kunjungi karena keterbatasan waktu. Adalah Ho Chi Minh Historical Monument.

Too bad! We couldn't get inside the mausoleum. We heard that his "last sanctuary" is being cleaned. No wonder if honor guards kept the area clean from all directions.

Actually, there's still 1 more place in this area which we have not visited yet due to time limit. It's Ho Chi Minh Historical Monument.

Damn! That man is gonna perform some cycling tricks!
Bangunan bergaya Prancis Kolonial ini berada di dalam kawasan Historical Monument yang pada saat itu sudah mau tutup. Maka saya memotret bangunannya dari luar, tepatnya di depan gerbang hijau yang besar itu. "Hey, hey!" terdengar suara dari arah kanan sebelum saya sempat memotretnya. Petugas setempat menyilangkan tangannya tanda bahwa dilarang mengambil gambar di area ini. Makanya saya cuma dapat dari jarak jauh saja.

This French-Colonial architecture is located inside the Historical Monument which was about to close. So, I tried to take some pics from the outside, in front of that enormous green gate. "Hey, hey!" I heard someone's voice from the right. The guard crossed his hands to forbid us to take photo here. So I just captured from the distance.

We stranded at KFC after a whole day walking on foot around
Kids here is playing "Smackdown" somehow
2. Ho Chi Minh

Kota ini jauh berbeda dari kota sebelumnya. Bila Hanoi terlihat berkarakter kuno dan berbudaya, maka Ho Chi Minh lebih modern layaknya kota-kota metropolitan. Kami hanya memiliki waktu 2 hari 1 malam saja di kota yang juga disebut dengan nama Saigon ini. Jadi kami memutuskan hanya berkeliling kota saja.

This city has so much in difference from the previous one. If Hanoi seen as an old-look and cultured city, then Ho Chi Minh looked more modern, like metropolis city. We only had 2 days 1 night to stay in this city who also known as Saigon. So we decided just to roam the city.

Enjoying dinner at street food stall
Robert was trying to describe (or argue) his order to aunty
Ben Thanh Market
How come they didn't wear any jackets while driving bike?!

Saigon Opera House

Notre Dame Cathedral

Saya mengusahakan untuk selalu menenteng kamera saat jalan. Tentunya agar selalu standby bila ada sesuatu yang menurut saya bagus dan unik. Sayang, kan...bila punya barang bagus bermanfaat tapi ditaruh terus di dalam tas/tempat yang aman gara-gara parno yang berlebihan. Jika itu hobi ataupun passion kamu, maka lakukanlah yang terbaik dari dirimu. Resiko hanyalah hal kesekian. Namun ingat! Iman bukan berarti, nekad, ya!!

Pastinya masih banyak lagi yang bisa dijelajahi di sekitar Saigon, seperti: Cu Chi Tunnels, Cao Dai Temple, dll. Namun karena "kepentok" waktu, maka saya terpaksa menanti kesempatan berikutnya lagi.

I always carry my camera by holding it with my hands while traveling. Of course to make me always standby if there's something that I think unique. It's too bad if you have such a nice and useful gadget, but you always keep it in the bag/safe place, because of your anxiety in anytime and anywhere. If it's your hobby or passion, so push yourself to the best. Risk is only an umpteenth matter. But remember! Having faith does not mean being reckless!

There are still many places that could be explored around Saigon, for example: Cu Chi Tunnels, Cao Dai Temple, etc. Because the matter of time, I have to wait for the next opportunity.

"Leave nothing but footprints. Take nothing but pictures. Kill nothing but time"

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