Thứ Sáu, 6 tháng 2, 2015

Mission From Japan: WakuWaku Reporter 2015 (Hokkaido)

Balcony view from our room in Abashirikoso Hotel (Abashiri)
Damn! Unfortunately, one of my biggest dream since 2 years ago to explore South China has been canceled. Some preparations have completed, including itinerary, how to.. , and also flight tickets. It was kinda sad that I had to give that up (only for this time obviously). But, what could I do about it...

Even though I couldn't make it, I was still happy because there's another surprise is waiting for me. Actually, my Lord Jesus had designed another plan even more amazing for me. I just couldn't believe, my biggest dream since my childhood to visit Japan has now become reality! And it also for free!

Sial! Sayang sekali rasanya, salah satu impian terbesar saya sejak 2 tahun lalu untuk menjelajah China selatan terlanjur dibatalkan. Segala macam persiapan juga sudah beres, termasuk rencana perjalanan, bagaimana caranya.. , dan bahkan tiket pesawat untuk kepergian. Agak sedih juga bila saya harus merelakannya begitu saja (tentunya cuma untuk kali ini aja). Tapi, yah... apa boleh buat...

Meskipun saya nggak bisa menggapai impian tersebut, saya masih tetap gembira karena ada kejutan lain yang sedang menunggu. Ternyata, Tuhan Yesus telah merancang rencana lain yang menakjubkan bagi saya. Saya benar-benar nggak habis pikir, impian terbesar saya sejak kecil untuk mengunjungi Jepang kini menjadi kenyataan! Dan gratis pula!

It all started from a programme on TV cable named SHIKI-ORIORI on WakuWaku Japan channel. At that time, they're holding an event for "WakuWaku Reporter 2015" recruitment to explore, witness, and experience the real Japan. So, I registered myself to join this cool event because I do have such passion in travel journalism and kinda stuff like that.

Shortly after...

I was elected as one of the three reporters who will be sent to Hokkaido for about a week. The winners, the three of us were asked to bring a friend along. So, it became 6 persons (3 teams consist of 2 person).
And these are the joyful faces:

Berawal dari sebuah acara di TV berlangganan yang bernama SHIKI-ORIORI di channel WakuWaku Japan. Pada saat itu mereka sedang mengadakan event perekrutan "WakuWaku Reporter 2015" untuk menjelajahi, melihat, dan merasakan Jepang yang sesungguhnya. Saya pun mendaftarkan diri untuk mengikuti ajang keren ini karena saya emang memiliki jiwa passion dalam hal travel journalism

Tidak lama kemudian...

Saya pun terpilih menjadi salah 1 dari 3 reporter yang akan diberangkatkan ke Hokkaido selama kurang lebih seminggu. Para pemenang, yaitu kami bertiga diminta untuk membawa seorang teman sehingga menjadi 6 orang (3 tim yang terdiri dari 2 orang).
Dan inilah wajah-wajah yang berbahagia itu:

"Innocent and very happy"
more details:

During the trip in Hokkaido we joined in a tour led by our tour leader from Indonesia, Mr. Eki Alvian. Then, local guide who would tell us everything about Hokkaido, Yoshie-san. And the other staffs (Fusako-san, Nanamori-san, Aida-san, and Kahirito-san) who would be our friends along this exciting journey.

Selama perjalanan di Hokkaido ini kami mengikuti tur yang dipimpin oleh tour leader kami dari Indonesia, Mr. Eki Alvian. Serta local guide yang akan menceritakan segala hal tentang Hokkaido, Yoshie-san. Dan para staff lainnya (Fusako-san, Nanamori-san, Aida-san, dan Kahirito-san) yang bakal menjadi teman kami sepanjang perjalanan seru ini.

Our itinerary in Hokkaido

Day 1: Kushiro
Day 2: Abashiri
Day 3: Sounkyo
Day 4: Asahikawa - Sapporo
Day 5: Otaru - Sapporo

Just be honest, some cities that we visited sounded unfamiliar to us. In fact, we just know their names after we saw the itinerary. The tour leader also told us that our tour package is a bit different from another Hokkaido tour packages which are usually offered in Indonesia. Practically, we certainly joined in a special tour package to visit some tourism places which are less popular for Indonesian and maybe foreigners. Yes.. we joined in H.I.S. Travel from Japan.

Jujur saja, beberapa kota yang kami kunjungi itu terasa asing bagi telinga kami. Malah kami baru tahu nama-namanya setelah lihat itinerary-nya. Tour leader kami, Eki pun bercerita bahwa paket tur kami ini agak berbeda dari beberapa paket tur Hokkaido lainnya yang biasanya ditawarkan di Indonesia. Praktisnya, kami memang ikut paket tur spesial ke tempat-tempat wisata yang masih belum cukup populer bagi orang-orang Indonesia dan mungkin orang asing. Ya.. karena kami ikut paket tur H.I.S. Travel yang dari Jepang.

"First Encounter with the Snow" (Kushiro)

With our tour leader, Eki (Abashiri Drift Ice Sightseeing)

Hokkaido reporters in Asahiyama Zoo (Asahikawa)

This trip as Hokkaido reporter gave us such an extraordinary experience. Not only witness the Hokkaido's amazing landscape, but we were also able to experience some local activities that we can't experience in our home country. Such as fishing in the middle of frozen Abashiri Lake; visiting the Sounkyo Ice Festival; sailing on the cruise ship in the middle of drift ices on Sea of Okhotsk; watching cute penguins walking from very close distance in Asahiyama Zoo; enjoying the local public hot spring (onsen); and also tasting the local delicacies.

Perjalanan sebagai reporter di Hokkaido ini memberikan kami pengalaman yang sangat-sangat luar biasa. Tidak hanya melihat keindahan alam saja, namun kami juga dapat merasakan pengalaman aktivitas warga lokal yang tidak dapat dilakukan di negara asal kami. Seperti memancing di tengah-tengah Danau Abashiri yang beku; mengunjungi Sounkyo Ice Festival; berlayar membelah drift ice dengan cruise di Laut Okhotsk; melihat penguin-penguin imut berjalan di Asahiyama Zoo; menikmati berendam di pemandian air panas umum (onsen); dan juga mencicipi hidangan khas lokal.

"Freezing Cold -10°C" (Sounkyo Ice Festival)

Syelfie got two fishes in one caught! Mancing maniak, mantabh!
(Frozen Lake Abashiri)

We ate tempura fish from the fishes we caught

"What are you doing, Obaachan?!" (Abashiri Drift Ice Sightseeing)
"Cruising the Sea of Okhotsk" (Abashiri Drift Ice Sightseeing)
"Going Through the Drift Ices" (©Victor Ngamino)

"Look how adorable they are!" (Asahiyama Zoo, Asahikawa)
 (©Reinhard Andersen)

"In Asahiyama Zoo, again..." (Asahikawa)

Open air onsen in Taisetsu Hotel, Sounkyo

Outdoor onsen in Abashirikoso Hotel, Abashiri

Enormous onsen in Gateaux Kingdom Sapporo Hotel

Buta Donburi Rice & Udon Noodles
Abashiri Nagomi Zen Dinner Set (Abashirikoso Hotel)
Shoyu Ramen (Asahikawa Ramen Village)

"Woah, your vacation seems so much fun!!"
Wait a sec... actually we were invited to be assigned as reporter who will introduce the charm of Japan to Indonesian people, and even the world. Each team lent a tablet to make reports, then all the experiences were reported in live by us to you all via social media. So you can also see the beauty of Japan through our experience.

So.. did we work on duty during our trip in Hokkaido?
"Yes, we did!"

Then.. did we have a vacation and have fun in Hokkaido?
"It could be!" :)

"Wah, liburan kalian sepertinya menyenangkan, ya!"
Sebentar-sebentar... sebenarnya kami diundang untuk ditugaskan sebagai Reporter Hokkaido yang akan memperkenalkan pesona Jepang pada masyarakat Indonesia, dan bahkan dunia. Tiap tim dipinjamkan tablet untuk membuat reportnya, kemudian semua pengalaman itu kami laporkan secara live kepada teman-teman semua via media sosial agar kalian pun bisa melihat keindahan Jepang lewat pengalaman kami ini.

Jadi.. apakah kami bekerja selama perjalanan di Hokkaido?
"Ya, benar!"

Lalu.. apakah kami liburan dan bersenang-senang selama di Hokkaido?
"Bisa jadi!" :)

"Assigned on Duty"
At Okhotsk Ryu-hyo Museum, Abashiri (©Victor Ngamino)

The reports wasn't limited only via social media alone, but there were also reports in essay that we typed every night. The essay told the exciting and joyful experiences we felt along that day. In addition, there were also video report and interview about our impression to Japan. So that's why, for a few days of the trip we accompanied by the cameraman, Aida-san.

Aida-san recorded all our activities, madness, and ridiculousness in almost time. And you can watch our first appearance on TV after this reporter recruitment event ends. Of course only on WakuWaku Japan channel.

Reportasenya tidak terbatas cuma melalui media sosial saja, namun juga ada reportase berupa essay yang kami buat setiap malamnya. Essay-nya berupa pengalaman seru dan menarik yang kami alami sepanjang hari itu. Selain itu, ada pula reportase berupa video yang mewawancarai kami tentang kesan-kesan akan Jepang. Karena itulah, selama beberapa hari perjalanan kami ditemani oleh sang cameraman, Aida-san.

Aida-san merekam seluruh aktivitas, kegilaan, dan kekonyolan kami hampir setiap saat. Dan kalian pun bisa menyaksikan penampilan perdana kami di TV setelah event perekrutan reporter ini berakhir. Tentunya cuma di channel WakuWaku Japan.

Nanamori-san & Aida-san (Taisetsu Hotel, Sounkyo)

Aida-san & Yoshie-san

"Say 'Hi!' to Mama"

Our journey to these road less traveled (especially Indonesian tourists) showed us a very different sights from what we've always seen on TV. Maybe you recognize Japan as a country known for its technology all this time. Well, it's true if you visit the big cities, such as Tokyo or Osaka. However, we have our own conclusion after we visited some small towns in Hokkaido.

We amazed for this country that still adheres its local tradition, even though it is known worldwide as a modern country. The suburb town like Kushiro itself has various kinds of facilities for the citizens' life. Department store, restaurants, cafes, Uniqlo, even luxury hotels are approachable in this town. Similarly with Sounkyo, this small town always held a very magnificent Sounkyo Ice Festival event annually in winter. And of course there're so many things that make us amazed for Hokkaido with its vast and wide-scale natural landscape.

Not surprisingly if every cities in Japan always held some unique annual festivals which attended by all people, both young and old age. What we saw is a proof that Japan is a country with both modern and traditional cultures are balanced. That's the reason why Japan becomes tourists magnet and loved by many people in the world.

Perjalanan kami ke tempat-tempat yang jarang dikunjungi turis asing ini (terutama turis Indo) memperlihatkan kami pemandangan di Jepang yang sangat berbeda dari apa yang selama ini kami lihat di TV. Mungkin selama ini kalian mengenal Jepang hanya sebagai negara yang terkenal akan teknologinya. Memang ada benarnya jika kalian mengunjungi kota-kota besar, seperti Tokyo atau Osaka. Namun, kami memiliki kesimpulan tersendiri setelah kami mengunjungi beberapa kota kecil di Hokkaido.

Kami kagum akan negara ini yang tetap memegang teguh tradisi lokalnya, meski dirinya dikenal dunia sebagai negara modern. Kota di daerah pinggiran seperti Kushiro pun memiliki berbagai macam fasilitas penunjang hidup warganya. Department store, restoran, cafe, Uniqlo, bahkan hotel mewah tersedia di kota ini. Begitu pula dengan kota Sounkyo, kota kecil ini selalu menggelar Sounkyo Ice Festival yang sangat megah tiap tahunnya pada musim dingin. Dan tentu saja ada banyak hal lagi yang membuat kami takjub akan Hokkaido dengan pemandangan alamnya yang membentang luas.

Tidak heran pula jika setiap kota-kota di Jepang selalu mengadakan festival-festival unik tahunan yang diikuti oleh seluruh kalangan, baik muda maupun tua. Apa yang kami lihat ini membuktikan bahwa Jepang adalah negara dengan kebudayaan modern dan tradisionalnya yang seimbang. Itulah alasannya mengapa Jepang menjadi magnet turis dan disukai banyak orang di berbagai dunia.

This Hokkaido trip with H.I.S. Travel gave us an unbelievable and unforgettable experience. We were able to witness for ourselves some amazing tourist attractions and natural beauty of Japan that we've never seen before. And maybe we are the one of the few Indonesian who've been visited those small towns. Thanks to WakuWaku Japan and PROMO TEC (Dentsu) as sponsor for this event. What a gratitude to be joined as 1st generation of WakuWaku Reporter 2015!

Perjalanan di Hokkaido bersama H.I.S. Travel ini memberikan kami pengalaman yang luar biasa dan tak akan terlupakan. Kami dapat menyaksikan sendiri tempat-tempat wisata yang menakjubkan dan indahnya pemandangan alam Jepang yang tak pernah kami lihat sebelumnya. Dan mungkin kami adalah salah satu dari sedikit orang Indonesia yang pernah berkunjung ke kota-kota kecil tersebut. Terima kasih kepada WakuWaku Japan dan PROMO TEC (Dentsu) selaku sponsor event, dan kami sangat bersyukur dapat tergabung sebagai WakuWaku Reporter 2015 generasi pertama.

"Here's a peace from Sounkyo"

Wanna see the reporters' pictures? Click below:
WakuWaku Japan (Instagram)
#wkwkjh #wakuwakureporterhokkaido

Bagaimana dengan generasi berikutnya, ya?
Klik gambar di bawah ini untuk bergabung menjadi reporter seperti kami:

This video has inspired us to visit Japan in no time

For complete stories, click links below:
Untuk cerita lengkapnya, klik link di bawah ini:
- Mission From Japan: WakuWaku Reporter 2015 (Hokkaido)
Hokkaido: Asahiyama Zoo, The Northernmost & The Most Innovative Zoo in Japan
Hokkaido: See How Japan Introduces Its Freezing World
- Hokkaido: The Famous Small Station of the North
- Hokkaido: Cruising the Sea of Okhotsk on the Icebreaker Ship
- [Road Less Traveled] Hokkaido: Soup of Freedom and the Prison Break of Japan 
[Road Less Traveled] Hokkaido: Cute Little Monster and Drift Ice from Abashiri
- [Road Less Traveled]: Hokkaido Everything All White in Kushiro
- [VIDEO] Hokkaido Trip: Let's Report Japan!!

Photos of Hokkaido:
Hokkaido album on my Flickr 


Hokkaido well-known for its vast farmland and stunning nature landscape. An island which is not only famous for skiing, but it has many special attractions that can be enjoyed in every seasons. I believe... everybody will be enchanted by Hokkaido's charm after recognize how amazing this island is.

This website introduces natures, hot springs, foods particularly to have a foreigner and people lived in outside of Hokkaido recognize that Hokkaido has surprise and splendor in the concept of "Nature, Onsen and Tasty" Why did I intend to do something like that? If you are interested, please do have a look.

Good! Hokkaido! Homepage

"It's not just about the destination, but the journey"

(January 2015)
Google Account Video Purchases Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan

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