Visit Japan is one of my biggest dream since I was a child. I remember when I used to know Japan only for modern country and as the king of world's technology; land of video game; land of anime and comic; even Doraemon's home. However, following the major development of information about this cherry blossom's country tourism via every media. Now everyone know if Japan is a country with such abundant cultures and local traditions. Where the traditional culture can get along well and balanced with its modern culture.
One thing that makes me want to visit Japan is the nature. Because for me personally, nature travel always provides better experience than just travel in the big cities. Especially if you can witness and feel something that doesn't exist in your home country. It's cool, isn't it? Therefore, since back then I always intended to visit Hokkaido. Anyway if I get chance to go to Japan, it has to be Hokkaido first :)
Unexpectedly, I was selected to become one of the travel reporters to Hokkaido. 6 selected reporters assigned to report the tourism in Hokkaido. Some places are not so well known by the world, so the tourists who visit usually are the local tourists and some foreigners from neighbor countries (China and Korea). One area that is still less known by foreigners is Kushiro. The reporters were not only see and travel, but we were also able to experience the local traditions during winter.
For more stories and video are below:
Mengunjungi Jepang memang adalah salah satu cita-cita terbesar saya sejak kecil. Saya jadi ingat kalau dulu saya mengenal Jepang hanya sebatas negeri modern sebagai raja teknologi dunia; negeri video game; negeri anime dan komik; bahkan hingga rumahnya Doraemon. Namun seiring berkembangnya informasi tentang pariwisata negeri sakura ini lewat setiap media manapun. Kini siapapun juga tahu bahwa Jepang adalah sebuah negara yang kaya akan budaya dan tradisi lokalnya. Di mana budaya tradisional tersebut dapat berdampingan dan seimbang dengan budaya modern-nya.
Satu hal yang membuat saya tertarik berkunjung ke Jepang adalah alamnya. Karena bagi saya pribadi, berwisata alam selalu memberikan pengalaman yang lebih baik daripada cuma berwisata di kota-kota besar. Apalagi kalau bisa melihat dan merasakan sesuatu yang tidak ada di negeri sendiri. Mantap sekali, bukan? Oleh karena itu, dari dulu saya selalu berniat untuk mengunjungi Hokkaido. Pokoknya kalau saya dapat kesempatan ke Jepang, ya keukeuh harus ke Hokkaido dulu :)
Tanpa disangka ternyata saya terpilih menjadi salah satu travel reporter ke Hokkaido. 6 reporter yang terpilih ditugaskan untuk mengabarkan tentang wisata di Hokkaido. Beberapa tempat wisatanya belum begitu dikenal luas oleh dunia, sehingga para turis yang berdatangan biasanya adalah turis lokal dan turis asing di negara sekitar (China dan Korea). Salah satu daerah yang masih sepi turis asing adalah Kushiro. Para reporter nggak cuma melihat dan jalan-jalan saja, namun kami juga dapat merasakan pengalaman tradisi lokal selama musim dingin.
Cerita selengkapnya ada di sini:
- Mission From Japan: WakuWaku Reporter 2015 (Hokkaido)
- Hokkaido: Asahiyama Zoo, The Northernmost & The Most Innovative Zoo in Japan
- Hokkaido: See How Japan Introduces Its Freezing World
- Hokkaido: The Famous Small Station of the North
- Hokkaido: Cruising the Sea of Okhotsk on the Icebreaker Ship
- [Road Less Traveled] Hokkaido: Soup of Freedom and the Prison Break of Japan
- [Road Less Traveled] Hokkaido: Cute Little Monster and Drift Ice from Abashiri
- [Road Less Traveled]: Hokkaido Everything All White in Kushiro
- [VIDEO] Hokkaido Trip: Let's Report Japan!!
Photos of Hokkaido:
Hokkaido album on my Flickr
Sekilas video perjalanan para reporter:
Hokkaido well-known for its vast farmland and stunning nature landscape. An island which is not only famous for skiing, but it has many special attractions that can be enjoyed in every seasons. I believe... everybody will be enchanted by Hokkaido's charm after recognize how amazing this island is.
This website introduces natures, hot springs, foods particularly to have a foreigner and people lived in outside of Hokkaido recognize that Hokkaido has surprise and splendor in the concept of "Nature, Onsen and Tasty" Why did I intend to do something like that? If you are interested, please do have a look.
Good! Hokkaido! Homepage |
"It's not just about the destination, but the journey"
(January 2015)
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